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Therapeutic massage will benefit your body head to toe; by improving your physical, mental, and overall well-being.


Do you lack energy, have an aching back, nagging sciatica, muscle or arthritic pain and discomfort?  Do you suffer with fibromyalgia?  Do you feel depressed?  Do you have limited range of motion?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, therapeutic massage is for YOU!


Enhances Health and Well Being


Massage will improve health and well-being and give you the ability to live your life to the max.  You will feel great and have the energy to meet life's challenges and pursue your interests.  Massage benefits your health and well-being in many ways.  For example:


Relieves Stress


Massage reverses the effects of negative stress by bringing about the relaxation response, which includes reducing blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, and the level of stress hormones (such as adrenaline and cortisol) in the body.  Massage benefits your ability to monitor stress signals.


Improves Circulation


Massage benefits blood and lymph circulation.  Good circulation will help improve your health.  Your blood and lymph carry nourishment to millions of cells throughout your body and carry away the waste eliminated from the cells.  Massage increases the flow of blood and lymph, encourages better exchange of nutrients at the cellular level, and promotes detoxification.  This process is important because your health is determined by how well your cells regenerate themselves.

Other benefits of Massage...

  • Relief of muscle and arthritic pain.  Pain negatively affects your health and drains away energy that you could be using to positively engage in activities of daily living.

  • Massage reduces anxiety and mental stress, creates a calmer mind, increases feelings of well-being, and relaxes you.

  • Speeds recovery from exercise by helping remove waste products from muscles.

  • Strengthens your immune system.

  • Helps manage fibromyalgia pain.

  • Improves sleep patterns.  Sleep deprivation is a major problem and the cause of many accidents.

  • Promotes deeper and easier breathing.  Shallow breathing means your body is not receiving the optimal amount of oxygen, which causes your health to deteriorate.

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